Franco Fagioli takes his acclaimed Anime Immortali program to Spain, Switzerland, Germany and France this fall. Beginning on November 7, Fagioli joins the Capella Cracoviensis under the baton of Jan Tomas Adamus for a program of beloved arias by Mozart and orchestral works by Schubert at the Teatro Real de Madrid.
Earlier this year, Fagioli made his Pentatone debut with Anime Immortali, together with the Kammerorchester Basel, exploring the music that Mozart composed for castratos. For more information about the album, click here.
“Fagioli’s lyrical singing, whether in the motet’s slow central aria or Sesto’s solos from La clemenza di Tito, has a luxurious, almost feminine sweetness that remains just the right side of indulgence.” – GRAMOPHONE
For the final tour dates, Fagioli reunites with the Kammerorchester Basel and conductor and violinist Baptiste Lopez for a program highlighting Mozart and Kraus. Performance dates include November 26 at the Temple de Lutry; November 29 at the Landgasthof Riehen; December 1 at Heinrich-Lades-Halle; and December 9 at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées.
Kraus Overture to Olympia
Mozart “Se l’augellin sen fugge”, aria from La Finta Giardiniera
Kraus Symphony in C major “violin obligato” (Andante)
Mozart “Ah se a morir mi chiama, aria from Lucio Silla
Kraus Pieces instrumental extracts from Proserpina (No. 5 Entr’acte zwischen Acts IV and V, No. 6 postlude act V)
Mozart “Parto, parto, ma tu ben mio”, aria from The Clemency of Titus
– Entracte
Mozart “Deh, per questo istante”, aria from La Clémence by Titus
Kraus Overture to Proserpina Mozart Exsultate Jubilate, Motet for soprano, orchestra and organ
Photo: Clarissa Lapolla