“De auténtica fiesta vocal se pudo denominar el espectacular recital basado en óperas de Leonardo Vinci y protagonizado por un Franco Fagioli en estado de gracia.”


“A true vocal festival could be called the spectacular recital based on operas by Leonardo Vinci and starring a Franco Fagioli in a state of grace.”

Platea Magazine

“Today, the main specialist in the Vinci’s repertoire, at least for the last ten years, is Franco Fagioli, one of the greatest countertenors of his generation, possibly the best in terms of vocal prowess and virtuosity.

Fagioli displayed his elaborate vocalism with glamorous allure. His timbre sounded as beautiful and his technique as impressive as ever. The audience in the hall was very impressed by his highly emotional performance and virtuoso coloratura passages. His countertenor voice was whole-hearted and charming, full of sincere emotion. His mezzo-soprano timbre shone effortlessly and was stunning… He could also reach a high range and tessitura with superb breath control.”
